Hotel STOK Hotel STOK
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SPA treatments

For your body and mind!
22 Feb 25
23 Feb 25
SPA treatments SPA treatments
DAY SPA - give the gift of SPA
DAY SPA - give the gift of SPA
duration: 1h 0min
price: 180 PLN

Zapraszamy do Hotelu STOK i SPA BOTANICA na dzień pełen atrakcji!

  • w SPA Botanica: relaksacyjny masaż całego ciała ciepłą świecą aromaterapeutyczną
  • 10% rabatu na kosmetyki do pielęgnacji domowej
  • 20% na dodatkowe zabiegi w SPA lub zakup voucheru podarunkowego
  • 20% rabatu do strefy Wellness & Basen

* Rabaty obowiązują w dniu realizacji vouchera

* Oferta obowiązuje od 25.01- 23.02 od poniedziałku do piątku oraz niedziele  - za wyjątkiem długich weekendów i świąt

Czas trwania zabiegów: 50 min

duration: 4h 0min
price: 270 PLN
  • wstęp na basen & wellness na 3h
  • relaksacyjny masaż całego ciała ciepłą świecą o zapachu gorzkiej czekolady z pomarańczą
  • bon na gorącą czekoladę
  • 10% rabatu na kosmetyki do pielęgnacji domowej oraz na dodatkowe zabiegi w SPA

Oferta obowiązuje od poniedziałku do piątku, niedziele  - za wyjątkiem długich weekendów i świąt

duration: 5h 0min
price: 660 PLN
  • 3 hours at the wellness area
  • Gold ceremony:
    - full body scrub with caviar essence
    - moistuiraizing body mask
    - sauna session or body wrapping with the mask on
    - relaxing full body gold massage
  • 60 PLN voucher to a Hotel STOK restaurant (no beverages included)
  • 10% discount for additional treatments in Hotel SPA

The offer is valid from Monday to Friday and Sundays - except long weekends and holidays.


duration: 4h 0min
price: 280 PLN
  • 3 hours at the wellness area
  • BALINESE full body massage performed by our masseurs from Bali 
  • 30 PLN voucher to a Hotel STOK restaurant (without beverages)
  • 10% discount on home care cosmetics and additional SPA treatments

The offer is available from Monday to Friday as well as on Sunday, excluding long weekends, Christmas and Easter

Romantic DAY SPA for 2
duration: 2h 0min
price: 640 PLN
  • 3 hours at the wellness area
  • In SPA - Chocolate ceremony:
    - full chololate body scrub
    - real chocolate body mask
    - sauna session or body wrapping with the mask on
    - relaxing massage with Shea butter
  • 60 PLN voucher to a Hotel STOK restaurant (no beverages included)
  • 10% discount for additional treatments in Hotel SPA


The offer is valid from Monday to Friday and Sundays - except long weekends and holidays.

Spa vouchers

The Stok Hotel offers vouchers of any value you choose, comprising accommodation, board and treatments at the Botanica SPA.

Vouchers for treatments only or given value vouchers are also available.

For details on gift vouchers, please contact:
Hotel Reception - tel. +48 33 856 41 00 e-mail:
SPA Reception - tel. +48 33 856 40 32 e-mail:

Autorski Rytuał SPA z kąpielą, masażem ciała i twarzy
duration: 120min
price: 340 PLN

Soczysty rytuał, na każdą porę roku, wygładzi, odżywi i nawilży skórę. W skład zabiegu wchodzi kąpiel w wannie z hydromasażem, peeling ciała na bazie soli bocheńskiej, seans w saunie bądź w kapsule, masaż relaksacyjny ciała na wybranym maśle SHEA + masaż twarzy.

price: 50 PLN

Podaruj SPA w domowym zaciszu !

Zestaw kosmetyków marki SKEYNDOR 

- krem do ciała z ekstraktem z konopi, masłem shea, wzbogacony o kapsułki z witaminą E (30 ml)

- intensywnie nawilżająca maseczka do twarzy o konsystencji sorbetu. Zawiera wodę lodowcową, minerały oraz ekstrakt z malachitu (15 ml)

Cena standardowa 100 zł 
Cena zestawu w ofercie specjalnej 50 zł 

Balinese massage
duration: 50min
price: 250 PLN

The Balinese Massage Therapy. It is so intense that it reaches even the deepest and most stressed muscles to relieve the nasty spasms. This massage can help to combat a wide range of various ailments, starting with migraines, pains of muscles and joints, through sleep disorders and stress up to anxiety or depression. Alleviates symptoms of allergy and breathing difficulties.

Balinese back massage
duration: 25min
price: 130 PLN
Lomi Lomi Massage
duration: 50min
price: 260 PLN

This Hawaiian massage is performed with forearms and hands. Such a bliss for your body and soul. It helps you forget your sorrows, your troubles and evertyhing what ails you the most. Perfectly loosens tense muscles, boost blood circulations and metabolism. Reduces adipose tissue, improves mobility and flexibility of jonts, gives you a kick of fresh energy.

Lomi Lomi massage
duration: 80min
price: 330 PLN
Lomi Lomi massage - 4 hands
duration: 50min
price: 370 PLN

Performed by two masseurs. An exclusive version of the Lomi Lomi Massage performed by two persons simultaneously. These synchronised, smooth and peaceful movements bring peace to your heart and mind.

Thai oil massage
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

An intensive regeneration massage based on essential oils, thus, lavender, rosewood, frangipani, sandalwood, rose, mint as well as ylang-ylang extracts. A fusion of the Ayurvedic massage philosophy and acupressure techniques. Supports the immunity and nervous system, accelerates the removal of toxins from the body by stimulating skin pores.

Thai massage - stretching
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

a fusion of acupressure and passive yoga (also called yoga for the lazy ones). The massage loosens tension of muscles, joints and tendons. Stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatic system, which effectively restores the balance within the body, calms down and gives energy at the same time. Performed on a matt.

Masaż tajski olejami
duration: 80min
price: 340 PLN
Foot reflexology
duration: 40min
price: 160 PLN

A wonderful synthesis of traditional techniques used in Asia. Improves overall health and restores well-being. This happens by balancing energy, stimulating circulation. Removes the feeling of heavy legs and improves the quality of sleep.

Refleksologia ciała
duration: 50min
price: 230 PLN
Shiatsu massage
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

The massage aims at improving the overall health condition and well-being, shows also a beneficial influence on the mental and emotional sphere. The Japanese tradition has it that ailments and diseases usually come from the imbalance between the Yin and Yang forces. And the right flow of the energy can be restored by pressing energetic points with hands. The Shiatsu massage is especially recommended to people living under constant stress and nervous tension. It helps you combat fatigue or sleep disorders.

Shiatsu massage
duration: 80min
price: 330 PLN
Shiatsu head, shoulder and neck massage
duration: 25min
price: 140 PLN

Hands of the masseur skillfully restore the right, undisturbed flow of energy within your body by pressing the pathways on your skin, called meridians. The shiatsu massage is particularly recommended to people who constantly live under stress and experience lots of nervous tension.

The massage refers to the sholder girdle, the nape of your neck as well as your head. 

A Touch of the Orient
duration: 90min
price: 340 PLN

An oriental ritual performed by our Balinese masseurs
The oriental body scrub will cleanse your skin and makes you relax to the heart’s core. The steam bath session will remove toxins from your body and reduce muscle tension. As the final touch, our BALINESE massage will pamper every inch of your tired body and aching soul alike. 

NEW! KOBIDO MASSAGE - Japanese facelift
duration: 60-75min
price: 260 PLN

KOBIDO - A Japanese facial and neck massage technique that is an excellent alternative to aesthetic medicine treatments, producing a lifting effect


- removes any tension that tends to freeze muscles and their functions

- stimulates circulation which improves skin tone

- stimulates lymph flow, reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes

- relaxes

- Smoothes fine lines, reduces wrinkles

- improvement of skin tension and firmness

- reduction of bruxism

- Relieves headaches

- visible effect of skin nourishment

It is a completely natural and non-invasive method of rejuvenation. The effect is visible already after the first treatment!  

KOBIDO Contur Lift Up - Rytuał
duration: 90min
price: 400 PLN

Połączenie intensywnie liftingującego masażu twarzy z zabiegiem na twarz podnoszącym owal - o działaniu przeciwzmarszczkowym.

KOBIDO - Japońska technika masażu twarzy i karku, która jest doskonałą alternatywą dla zabiegów medycyny estetycznej, dając efekt liftingu.


-  usunięcie wszelkich napięć, które mają tendencję do zamrożenia mięśni i ich funkcji

- pobudza krążenie, co poprawia koloryt skóry

- pobudza przepływ limfy, zmniejsza opuchliznę i cienie pod oczami

- relaksuje i odpręża

- wygładzenie bruzd mimicznych, redukcja zmarszczek

- poprawa napięcia i jędrności skóry

- zmniejszenie bruksizmu

- łagodzi bóle głowy

- widoczny efekt odżywienia skóry

Recover Touch - nowość od [ comfort zone ]
duration: 40min
price: 230 PLN

Zabieg włoskiej marki [ comfort zone ] Recover Touch silnie regeneruje skórę szarą i zmęczoną narażoną na działanie takich czynników jak stres, częste podróże, klimatyzację oraz zanieczyszczenia środowiskowe. Doskonale nawilża, przywraca zmęczonej, zestresowanej skórze promienny blask oraz stanowi ochronę przed wolnymi rodnikami. Bogata kompozycja witamin oraz antyoksydantów pozwala na wyjątkowy relaks oraz zapewnia skórze ochronę na długi czas po zabiegu.

Eternal - stem cells
duration: 55min
price: 400 PLN

An intensive anti-ageing therapy with stem cells of the ecological apple tree Uttwiler. Renews and regenerates damaged skin cells.

Corrective - Botox Like - a new look
duration: 55min
price: 420 PLN

A moisturising anti-wrinkle treatment which corrects the face oval and improves skin elasticity. 

Power C / Vitamin C power - 25%
duration: 50min
price: 310 PLN

A revitalising face treatment with the strongest antioxidant complex. Effectively prevents skin dryenesss and wrinkles. Based on vitamin C with maximum cellular absorption, enriched amongst others with pomegranate extract, ellagic acid and phytic acid. Regulates the skin pigmentation, and thereby, prevents discolourations and freckles as well as evens up the skin tone.

Power Hyaluronic
duration: 50min
price: 310 PLN

Regulates the natural dynamics of skin, restores the right water content, which allows your skin to regenerate and makes it smooth. This treatment is intended for dry skin.

Power Hyaluronic Eyes
duration: 40min
price: 210 PLN

An advanced therapy form for skin, eyes, eyelashes and face. Makes your countenance radiant and fresh.

Clear Balance
duration: 50min
price: 300 PLN

Perfect for combination and oily skin type. Recommended for mature skin. Deep cleansing. The peptides contained in the ampoule used regulate the sebum secretion, making your skin clean and mattified. 

Collagen patch treatment
duration: 50min
price: 310 PLN

A revitalising and intensively moisturising treatment. Protects your skin from the first symptoms of ageing. Boosts the skin vitality.

Skinshooter needle-free mesotherapy
duration: 50min
price: 390 PLN
Complex Treatment
duration: 40min
price: 220 PLN

An algae treatment with cavitation peeling and sonophoresis with an individually selected ampoule.

Algae treatment
duration: 35min
price: 150 PLN

Provides revitaliation and intensive moisturisation, thereby protecting the skin from the first symptoms of ageing. 

Facial massage
duration: 25min
price: 110 PLN

A soothing and calming treatment based on an ampoule adapted to your skin type. Improves skin elasticity, shows regenerating and moisturising properties. 

Diamond Microdermabrasion - in addition to any facial treatment
duration: 15min
price: 60 PLN

A deep epidermal exfoliation with special apparatus and heads of powdered diamond. The treatment smoothes out the skin surface, removes dead skin cells, makes your skin smooth and matte, ready for subsequent beauty treatments to come. 

Cavitation peeling
duration: 20min
price: 50 PLN

The cavitation peeling consists in cleansing the skin with ultrasonic vibration. For more comfort, it is also enriched with a micromassage which improves microcirculation and cellular oxygenation as well as makes active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin. 

HIMALAYAN Masaż kamieniami solnymi - nowość!
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

Masaż kamieniami solnymi to niesamowity zabieg dla skóry, ciała i umysłu. Sekret działania zabiegu tkwi w dobroczynnych właściwościach soli himalajskiej. Ciepło kamieni solnych rozluźnia napięte mięśnie powodując, że masaż jest wspaniałym relaksacyjnym przeżyciem. Pozostawia on skórę jedwabiście gładką, odżywioną i oczyszczoną.

Masaż na olejku LUKRECJA & PERILLA
duration: 50min
price: 220 PLN

Masaż relaksacyjny na oleju Perilla & Lukrecja, z olejkami eterycznymi, ujędrnią i uelastycznią skórę poprzez stymulację produkcji kolagenu i elastyny. Rozjaśnia przebarwienia, wzmacnia naczynka, łagodzi podrażnienia, redukuje stany zapalne.

Masaż na olejku Marula & Jabłoń
duration: 50min
price: 220 PLN
Sea-buckthorn full-body massage
duration: 50min
price: 210 PLN

A relaxing full body massage with sea buckthorn oil which strengthens your skin with the power of vitamins A, E and E. Shows excellent nourishing and moisturising properties.

Cleopatra's illuminating massage
duration: 50min
price: 210 PLN

A relaxing body massage that stimulates the senses and cares for the skin. The golden algae-based emulsion intensively moisturises the skin, plus the golden glow left on the body will make you feel like a queen.

Aromatherapy candle massage
duration: 50min
price: 220 PLN

The combination of shea and illipe butters with the jojoba oil and beeswax makes this massage an incredible caress. The power of vitamins makes your skin velvety smooth to the touch and much firmer. One of the most relaxing procedures that have ever been invented. 

Massage FOR MAN
duration: 50min
price: 200 PLN

Aromaterapeutyczny masaż relaksacyjny na odżywczym maśle Shea o męskiej nucie zapachowej. Doskonale nawilży oraz odżywi ciało

Full body relaxation massage
duration: 50min
price: 190 PLN

This relaxing body massage is a true blessing for your tired body and stressed mind. Based on the natural almond oil, rich in vitamins A, E and B. Intensively moisturises and softens your skin.

Aromatherapeutic full body massage
duration: 50min
price: 200 PLN

Relaxační masáž těla na bázi esenciálních olejů. Má blahodárný účinek na unavené a vystresované tělo a mysl a umožňuje Vám získat zpět svou vitalitu.

Hot stone massage
duration: 60min
price: 250 PLN

Nowadays, we are constantly in a hurry, always anxious and stressed. This combination of hot basalt stones and appropriate relaxation techniques brings peace and bliss to your body and mind alike. The warmth of the stones improves blood circulation and removes toxins from your body. For the Man of Today, a must-have when it comes to SPA treatments, indeed.

Full body classic massage
duration: 50min
price: 230 PLN

It is by all means the most popular massage ever created. Depending on its intensity, it can be either therapeutic, relaxing or stimulating. The massage has analgesic properties, improves tissue nutrition, regererates muscles, reduces adipose tissue and boosts metabolism.

Partial body massage
duration: 25min
price: 110 PLN

Perfectly loosens tense muscels, reduces fatigue and improves skin firmness.

Partial body massage with hot stones
duration: 25min
price: 130 PLN
Partial body massage with aromatherapeutic candle
duration: 25min
price: 120 PLN
Classical massage of the back
duration: 25min
price: 130 PLN
Kąpiel w mleku kokosowym
duration: 20min
price: 70 PLN

Mleko kokosowe bazujące na ekologicznym ekstrakcie z kokosa, to prawdziwa uczta dla skóry. Dodane do kąpieli w wannie, otuli Cię egzotycznym zapachem, nawilży skóre, pozostawi ją głądką i zabezpieczoną przed wysuszeniem.


Herbal/fruit bath
duration: 20min
price: 60 PLN

The baths will give the skin a radiant glow, relax it and make it silky smooth. Seductive aromas will entice the senses, the body will be gently cleansed and the water massage will relax the muscles.

Peeling tropikalny / kokosowy ciała
duration: 40min
price: 170 PLN

An anti-ageing body treatment based on 2 different exfoliation techniques, namely the coarse-grained salt and fruit enzymes. Combines perfect relaxation with aromatic and very intensive skin care.

Peeling Marula & Jabłoń
duration: 20min
price: 150 PLN

Drobinki cukru i puder z róży damasceńskiej oczyszczą i złuszczą naskórek. Oleje zawarte w peelingu: marula, jojoba, ryżowy i z pestek jabłoni, dobrane w odpowiedniej proporcji, nawilżą i odżywią skórę, opóźnią jej proces starzenia i silnie ujędrnią.

Peeling + masaż na bazie oleju z Maruli & Jabłoni
duration: 70min
price: 270 PLN

Drobinki cukru i puder z róży damasceńskiej oczyszczą i złuszczą naskórek. Oleje zawarte w peelingu: marula, jojoba, ryżowy i z pestek jabłoni, dobrane w odpowiedniej proporcji, nawilżą i odżywią skórę, opóźnią jej proces starzenia i silnie ujędrnią. Masaż na olejku z Maruli wygładzi, nawilży i zregeneruje skórę. 

Rokitnikowy peeling ciała
duration: 20min
price: 150 PLN

A refreshing body scrub. Removes dead skin cells. Makes your skin healthy and radiant. The sea buckthorn oil is incredibely rich in vitamin C and omega acids, thereby, has a therapeutic influcence on your skin.

Peeling + Massage based on the beneficial sea buckthorn
duration: 70min
price: 270 PLN

Peeling solny z drobinkami pestek malin skutecznie i bardzo dokładnie oczyszcza skórę, pozostawiając ją miękką i piękniejszą. Jeśli kiedykolwiek zmagałaś/eś się z problemem suchej skóry, z zaskórnikami bądź wągrami – peeling z rokitnika i marchwi udowodni Ci, że te problemy to przeszłość. Na zakończenie masaż wykonany na czystym, biozgodnym ze skórą, nierafinowanym oleju rokitnikowym. Rokitnik przyspiesza regenerację uszkodzonego naskórka, redukuje przebarwienia i łagodzi podrażnienia. Z kolei zawarty tu olej z nasion polskich marchwi wyrównuje koloryt skóry i nadaje jej piękny, złocisty odcień. Po zabiegu Twoje ciało może być perfekcyjnie gładkie i nawilżone od zaraz.

Body scrub
duration: 20min
price: 100 PLN

Removes dead skin cells. Ideal for any season. Your basic skin care step.

Peeling + Massage
duration: 70min
price: 260 PLN
Body Spa - treatment with peeling and aromatherapy in a capsule
price: 160 PLN

An exfoliating treatment which removes toxins and rejuvenates your skin.

Hematite energy treatment
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

This precious stone has supernatural powers, it provides your body with oligoelements, vitamins and all the necessary minerals, boosts your metabolism and strengthens your skin. The hematite shows excellent regenarative and corrective properties, stimulates microcirculation. The treatment includes: a scrub, a mud mask with the hematite, a sauna or capsule session and a body lotion.

Sapphire Touch body treatment
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

welcome ceremony / salt scrub / sapphire mask / sauna or capsule session / velvety lotion

The creamy, energising body compress with sapphire particles which brighten and revitalise you skin as well as correct its colour. This gem of wellness, also known as the precious stone of heaven, gives your skin energy and stimulates microcirculation. Highly moisturising. 

Cleopatra ceremony
duration: 50min
price: 280 PLN

gold scrub / gold mask / sauna or capsule session / body lotion with gold particles, champagne and caviar.
Gold makes your skin more elastic and stimulates the production of collagen. Pearls illuminate your skin and reduce wrinkles. 

Slimming treatment with AROSHA bandages
duration: 50min
price: 300 PLN

A professional treatment programme which reduces the visible symptoms of cellulite. Combats water stagnation and swelling, has a firming, moisturising and lifting effect. Shapes your silhouette, and the loss of centimeters can be seen after the very first treatment already.

* you can enrich your treatment with dry brushing, and the brush can be also used back at home. The brush costs PLN 85.
60 min / PLN 300

Spa rituals

Rytuały SPA w łaźni parowo-błotnej łączą w sobie peeling całego ciała, aplikację błota, alg czy odżywczych masek na ciało z koloroterapią i aromaterapią. Przyjemne ciepło panujące w pomieszczeniu pozwala substancjom aktywnym zawartym w maskach na szybkie i intensywne działanie, a olejki eteryczne i niepowtarzalny klimat panujący w saunie zapewniają całkowity relaks i odprężenie. Seans w łaźni błotnej zakończony jest ciepłym i przyjemnym prysznicem, po którym następuje relaksacyjny masaż całego ciała.

Rytuał HIMALAYAN SALT - nowość!
duration: 100min
price: 400 PLN

Rytuał na twarz i ciało, przywracający równowagę energetyczną. Masaż kamieniami solnymi oraz wrapping solny to detoksykacja organizmu. Sól jako symbol życia, szczęścia, zdrowia i bogactwa. Chroni, oczyszcza i uzdrawia. Ukojenie dla duszy i ciała. Skóra po zabiegu jest aksamitna, ujędrniona a umysł osiąga stan harmonii. Masaż twarzy Comfort Touch wykonany na antyoksydacyjnym olejku przywróci młodość i witalność skórze.

Autorski Rytuał SPA z masażem twarzy
duration: 100min
price: 330 PLN

Autorski rytuał SPA Botanica, który wygładzi, odżywi i nawilży skórę. W skład zabiegu wchodzi peeling ciała na bazie soli bocheńskiej, seans w saunie bądź w kapsule, masaż relaksacyjny ciała na wybranym maśle SHEA + masaż twarzy.

Ritual SPA Botanica with face massage
duration: 120min
price: 370 PLN

Soczysty rytuał, na każdą porę roku, wygładzi, odżywi i nawilży skórę. W skład zabiegu wchodzi kąpiel w wannie z hydromasażem, peeling ciała na bazie soli bocheńskiej, seans w saunie bądź w kapsule, masaż relaksacyjny ciała na wybranym maśle SHEA + masaż twarzy.

A Touch of the Orient
duration: 90min
price: 340 PLN

An oriental ritual performed by our Balinese masseurs
The oriental body scrub will cleanse your skin and makes you relax to the heart’s core. The steam bath session will remove toxins from your body and reduce muscle tension. As the final touch, our BALINESE massage will pamper every inch of your tired body and aching soul alike. 

Rytuał Winna Przyjemność
duration: 90min
price: 320 PLN

An illuminating ritual based on red wine. The white clay, rich in minerals and enzymes, perfectly cleanses the skin and makes it visibly firmer. The scrub contains wine pulp particles which restores the radiant appearance of your skin, revitalise it and rejuvenate it. The treatment ends with a relaxing massage smelling of wild elderberry.

If you wish, we can serve with a glass of wine after the procedure (at extra cost).

TREASURE OF NATURE - ritual with marula and apple tree
duration: 90 min
price: 310 PLN

peeling, a sauna session and a wonderful full body, head and hair massage! A ritual made with marula and apple oils. These are top plant oils, hailed as a miracle of nature. It has nourishing, regenerating and antioxidant properties. Particularly noteworthy is the high biocompatibility of the cosmetic with the skin. An ecological, natural treatment that will help you take a breather from your daily routine.

duration: 90min
price: 310 PLN

Peeling, seans w saunie oraz cudowny masaż całego ciała, głowy i włosów! Rytuał wykonany na bazie olejów z rokitnika i nasion marchwii. Peeling solny z drobinkami pestek malin skutecznie i bardzo dokładnie oczyszcza skórę, pozostawiając ją miękką i piękniejszą. Jeśli kiedykolwiek zmagałaś/eś się z problemem suchej skóry, z zaskórnikami bądź wągrami – peeling z rokitnika i marchwi udowodni Ci, że te problemy to przeszłość. Na koniec Ceremoni wykonany będzie masaż na 100% nierafinowanym oleju rokitnikowym. Z jego pomocą Twoje ciało może być perfekcyjnie gładkie i nawilżone od zaraz. 

Sapphire Ritual
duration: 100min
price: 330 PLN

welcome ceremony / salt scrub / sapphire mask / sauna or capsule session / emulsion-based massage

An aromatic welcome ceremony combined with a body scrub and a creamy, energizing body compress with sapphire particles which brighten and revitalise your skin as well as correct its colour. This gem of wellness, also known as the precious stone of heaven, gives you an energy boost and stimulates microcirculation. 

Hematite energy ritual
duration: 100min
price: 330 PLN

welcome ceremony / charcoal scrub / hematite mask / sauna or capsule session / emulsion-based massage

A welcome ceremony combined with a body scrub and hematite extract. 
The organic mud and water from Salies-de-Bearn strenghten the defence mechanisms of skin, remineralise it and make it firm. Hematite is a mineral rich in iron, it soothes your skin and corrects its colour. Boosts the production of collagen. The mask is recommended to patients undergoing a sports/health therapy. The ritual is crowned with a loosening massage. 

Cleopatra's ritual
duration: 120min
price: 370 PLN

A bit of luxury within your reach…Ladies find this treatment extremely tempting. Being all covered in gold seems like the most beautiful dream they have ever dreamt. Yet it is all true! The ritual begins with a smoothing sugar scrub of the whole body, enriched with jojoba oil, vitamin E and caviar extract. Then comes a rejuvenating body compress with the sinfully shining gold particles, champagne and AHA acids to smooth out, brighten and firm your skin. Finally, a delicate pearl bath in a gold nectar calms down, relaxes and regenerates your skin. The ceremony ends with a massage based on a gold emulsion which makes your skin shiny and velvety soft to the touch.

Chocolate ritual
duration: 100min
price: 320 PLN

A delicious feast for your senses which nourishes your skin and combats cellulite. Crowned with a relaxing massage which makes your skin so velvety smooth to the touch, embraced by the sweet smell of chocolate. The treatment includes a scrub, a chocolate mask, a sauna or capsule session and a relaxing massage as the final touch to the whole thing.

Rytuał HIMALAYAN SALT - nowość!
duration: 100min
price: 800 PLN

Rytuał na twarz i ciało, przywracający równowagę energetyczną. Masaż kamieniami solnymi oraz wrapping solny to detoksykacja organizmu. Sól jako symbol życia, szczęścia, zdrowia i bogactwa. Chroni, oczyszcza i uzdrawia. Ukojenie dla duszy i ciała. Skóra po zabiegu jest aksamitna, ujędrniona a umysł osiąga stan harmonii. Masaż twarzy Comfort Touch wykonany na antyoksydacyjnym olejku przywróci młodość i witalność skórze.

Dotyk Orientu
duration: 90min
price: 680 PLN

An oriental ritual performed by our Balinese masseurs
The oriental body scrub will cleanse your skin and makes you relax to the heart’s core. The steam bath session will remove toxins from your body and reduce muscle tension. As the final touch, our BALINESE massage will pamper every inch of your tired body and aching soul alike. 

Autorski Rytuał SPA z masażem twarzy
duration: 100min
price: 660 PLN

Autorski rytuał SPA Botanica, który wygładzi, odżywi i nawilży skórę. W skład zabiegu wchodzi peeling ciała na bazie soli bocheńskiej, seans w saunie bądź w kapsule, masaż relaksacyjny ciała na wybranym maśle SHEA + masaż twarzy.

Autorski Rytuał SPA z kąpielą, masażem ciała i twarzy
duration: 120min
price: 740 PLN

Soczysty rytuał, na każdą porę roku, wygładzi, odżywi i nawilży skórę. W skład zabiegu wchodzi kąpiel w wannie z hydromasażem, peeling ciała na bazie soli bocheńskiej, seans w saunie bądź w kapsule, masaż relaksacyjny ciała na wybranym maśle SHEA + masaż twarzy.

duration: 90min
price: 620 PLN

Peeling, seans w saunie oraz cudowny masaż całego ciała, głowy i włosów! Rytuał wykonany na bazie olejów z rokitnika i nasion marchwii. Peeling solny z drobinkami pestek malin skutecznie i bardzo dokładnie oczyszcza skórę, pozostawiając ją miękką i piękniejszą. Jeśli kiedykolwiek zmagałaś/eś się z problemem suchej skóry, z zaskórnikami bądź wągrami – peeling z rokitnika i marchwi udowodni Ci, że te problemy to przeszłość. Na koniec Ceremoni wykonany będzie masaż na 100% nierafinowanym oleju rokitnikowym. Z jego pomocą Twoje ciało może być perfekcyjnie gładkie i nawilżone od zaraz. 

TREASURE OF NATURE - ritual with marula and apple tree
duration: 90min
price: 620 PLN

peeling, a sauna session and a wonderful full body, head and hair massage! A ritual made with marula and apple oils. These are top plant oils, hailed as a miracle of nature. It has nourishing, regenerating and antioxidant properties. Particularly noteworthy is the high biocompatibility of the cosmetic with the skin. An ecological, natural treatment that will help you take a breather from your daily routine.

Gold-based ritual
duration: 120min
price: 660 PLN

A bit of luxury within your reach…Ladies find this treatment extremely tempting. Being all covered in gold seems like the most beautiful dream they have ever dreamt. Yet it is all true! The ritual begins with a smoothing sugar scrub of the whole body, enriched with jojoba oil, vitamin E and caviar extract. Then comes a rejuvenating body compress with the sinfully shining gold particles, champagne and AHA acids to smooth out, brighten and firm your skin. Finally, a delicate pearl bath in a gold nectar calms down, relaxes and regenerates your skin. The ceremony ends with a massage based on a gold emulsion which makes your skin shiny and velvety soft to the touch.

Sapphire Ritual
duration: 100min
price: 570 PLN

welcome ceremony / salt scrub / sapphire mask / sauna or capsule session / emulsion-based massage

An aromatic welcome ceremony combined with a body scrub and a creamy, energizing body compress with sapphire particles which brighten and revitalise your skin as well as correct its colour. This gem of wellness, also known as the precious stone of heaven, gives you an energy boost and stimulates microcirculation. 

Hematite energy ritual
duration: 100min
price: 570 PLN

This precious stone has supernatural powers, it provides your body with oligoelements, vitamins and all the necessary minerals, boosts your metabolism and strengthens your skin. The hematite shows excellent regenarative and corrective properties, stimulates microcirculation. The treatment includes: a scrub, a mud mask with the hematite, a sauna or capsule session and a relaxing body massage to crown it all.

Chocolate ritual
duration: 100min
price: 570 PLN

A delicious feast for your senses which nourishes your skin and combats cellulite. Crowned with a relaxing massage which makes your skin so velvety smooth to the touch, embraced by the sweet smell of chocolate. The treatment includes a scrub, a chocolate mask, a sauna or capsule session and a relaxing massage as the final touch to the whole thing.

NEW! KOBIDO MASSAGE - Japanese facelift
duration: 60min
price: 240 PLN

KOBIDO - A Japanese facial and neck massage technique that is an excellent alternative to aesthetic medicine treatments, producing a lifting effect


- removes any tension that tends to freeze muscles and their functions

- stimulates circulation which improves skin tone

- stimulates lymph flow, reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes

- relaxes

- Smoothes fine lines, reduces wrinkles

- improvement of skin tension and firmness

- reduction of bruxism

- Relieves headaches

- visible effect of skin nourishment

It is a completely natural and non-invasive method of rejuvenation. The effect is visible already after the first treatment!  

Classic back massage
duration: 25min
price: 115 PLN
Full body relaxation massage
duration: 50min
price: 180 PLN

A relaxing full body massage. A true blessing for your tired, stressed body and mind. Restores your vitality in a trice.

Relaxing body massage with manly-smelling shea butter
duration: 50min
price: 200 PLN

Aromaterapeutyczny masaż relaksacyjny na odżywczym maśle Shea o męskiej nucie zapachowej. Doskonale nawilży oraz odżywi ciało

Sea buckthorn body massage
duration: 50min
price: 200 PLN

A relaxing full body massage with sea buckthorn oil which strengthens your skin with the power of vitamins A, E and E. Shows excellent nourishing and moisturising properties.

Classical full body massage
duration: 50min
price: 210 PLN

It is by all means the most popular massage ever created. Depending on its intensity, it can be either therapeutic, relaxing or stimulating. The massage has analgesic properties, improves tissue nutrition, regererates muscles, reduces adipose tissue and boosts metabolism.

Peeling + Massage
duration: 70min
price: 260 PLN
Hot stones massage
duration: 60min
price: 240 PLN

Nowadays, we are constantly in a hurry, always anxious and stressed. This combination of hot basalt stones and appropriate relaxation techniques brings peace and bliss to your body and mind alike. The warmth of the stones improves blood circulation and removes toxins from your body. For the Man of Today, a must-have when it comes to SPA treatments, indeed.

Loosening LOMI LOMI massage
duration: 50min
price: 260 PLN
Shiatsu massage
duration: 50min
price: 260 PLN

The massage aims at improving the overall health condition and well-being, shows also a beneficial influence on the mental and emotional sphere. The Japanese tradition has it that ailments and diseases usually come from the imbalance between the Yin and Yang forces. And the right flow of the energy can be restored by pressing energetic points with hands. The Shiatsu massage is especially recommended to people living under constant stress and nervous tension. It help you combat fatigue or sleep disorders.

Thai oil massage
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

An intensive regeneration massage based on essential oils, thus, lavender, rosewood, frangipani, sandalwood, rose, mint as well as ylang-ylang extracts. A fusion of the Ayurvedic massage philosophy and acupressure techniques. Supports the immunity and nervous system, accelerates the removal of toxins from the body by stimulating skin pores.

Hematite energy treatment
duration: 50min
price: 270 PLN

The treatment includes: a scrub, a mud mask with the hematite, a sauna or capsule session and a body lotion. 

This precious stone has supernatural powers, it provides your body with oligoelements, vitamins and all the necessary minerals, boosts your metabolism and strengthens your skin. The hematite shows excellent regenarative and corrective properties, stimulates microcirculation. 

Hematite energy ritual
duration: 100min
price: 330 PLN

welcome ceremony / charcoal scrub / hematite mask / sauna or capsule session / emulsion-based massage

A welcome ceremony combined with a body scrub and hematite extract. 
The organic mud and water from Salies-de-Bearn strenghten the defence mechanisms of skin, remineralise it and make it firm. Hematite is a mineral rich in iron, it soothes your skin and corrects its colour. Boosts the production of collagen. The mask is recommended to patients undergoing a sports/health therapy. The ritual is crowned with a loosening massage. 

Complex Treatment
duration: 50min
price: 220 PLN

An algae treatment with cavitation peeling and sonophoresis with an individually selected ampoule.

Power Hyaluronic
duration: 50min
price: 310 PLN

Regulates the natural dynamics of skin, restores the right water content, which allows your skin to regenerate and makes it smooth. This treatment is intended for dry skin.

Eternal - stem cells
duration: 50min
price: 380 PLN

An intensive anti-ageing therapy with stem cells of the ecological apple tree Uttwiler. Renews and regenerates damaged skin cells.

Basic manicure
duration: 40min
price: 110 PLN

This treatment makes your hands look nice and neat. The almond cream enriched with sunflower seed oil, camomile and glycolic acid to crown the whole thing moisturises even the deepest tissues of your skin whichs is now velvety smooth to the touch and so pretty. The treatment ends with painting nails.

KIDS AT SPA - treatments for children and adolescents
KIDS AT SPA - treatments for children and adolescents

GIVE YOUR CHILD THIS WONDERFUL GIFT and take your offspring to the magical world of SPA… 


CHOCOLATE SPA for children and adults – package for parent and child 

- chocolate back massage 

- strawberry face massage 

 duration of the treatment: 40 minutes / PLN 200 – two persons 


STRAWBERRY SPA for children and adults – package for parent and child

- strawberry back massage  

- strawberry hand treatment  

 duration of the treatment: 40 minutes / PLN 200 – two persons
The offer is available 1-5/06/2022.
Prebooking required. 
tel. +48 433 856 40 32, mob. +48 668 017 672 e-mail

Back massage 4-9 years old
duration: 15min
price: 70 PLN

Emulsions to choose from:

  • hot chocolate
  • bilberry cream
  • strawberry oil
Back massage 10-15 years old
duration: 20min
price: 80 PLN

Emulsions to choose from:

  • hot chocolate
  • bilberry cream
  • strawberry oil
Nail polish / Monophase
duration: 15min
price: 50 PLN
Basic manicure
duration: 45min
price: 90 PLN

This treatment makes your hands look nice and neat. The almond cream enriched with sunflower seed oil, camomile and glycolic acid to crown the whole thing moisturises even the deepest tissues of your skin whichs is now velvety smooth to the touch and so pretty.

Manicure with traditional painting
duration: 55min
price: 110 PLN

This treatment makes your feet look nice and neat. The almond cream enriched with sunflower seed oil, camomile and glycolic acid to crown the whole thing moisturises even the deepest tissues of your skin, which is now velvety smooth to the touch and so pretty. The treatment ends with painting nails.

duration: 55min
price: 150 PLN

An innovative and durable technique of painting nails. It's the first manicure to ever combine the durability of hybrid and the delicacy of the traditional nail varnish. No need to dry your nails afterwards.

Moisturising paraffin wax for feet Alessandro
duration: 30min
price: 160 PLN

This luxurious and highly effective treatment intended for demanding Clients combines intensive care with unforgettable relaxation. Fall in love with the lavender paraffin, let the fragrant mist pamper your nostrils.

Nourishing and regenerating hand treatment
duration: 45min
price: 210 PLN

An intensive treatment against premature ageing and dryeness of hands. The treatment includes a smoothing scrub, a regenerating serum and a lavender hand bath by Alessandro which accelerates aborption of active ingredients. 

Moisturising paraffin wax for feet Alessandro
duration: 30min
price: 150 PLN

This luxurious and highly effective treatment intended for demanding Clients combines intensive care with unforgettable relaxation. Fall in love with the lavender paraffin, let the fragrant mist pamper your nostrils.

Henna - eyelashes and eyebrows
price: 50 PLN
Eyebrow adjustment
price: 30 PLN
Henna eyelashes
price: 30 PLN
Henna - eyelashes and eyebrows with adjustment
price: 60 PLN
duration: 1min
price: 2 PLN
Hotel STOK
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